Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay about Law for International Trade - 3419 Words

BTW3201 International Trade Law Assignment 2 Jesse Cooper, 21476608 Part A: On the face of it, or prima facie there are three issues that are raised in this case. Firstly, the jeans were delivered late; secondly, the jeans were mouldy and stained; and finally, an incorrect number of jeans were delivered. In order to determine the rights and obligations of Punked Jeans, and which remedies could be availble, there are a number of steps to be taken. What are the governing laws of the case? The governing law of an international contract is important because is defines which domestic system of laws apply to the contract. The governing law is used in the case of disputes between the buyer and seller in the international†¦show more content†¦Issue 2 – Mouldy and Stained Jeans: The second issue in this case is that the delivered jeans were spoiled and mouldy. Prima facie the relevant laws are CISG Article 35, which specifies the seller’s obligations in providing conforming goods, and CISG Article 36, which specifies the seller’s liability for non conformity and the time risk passes, or occurs later as a result of a breach of obligations. Earlier it was shown that Punked Jeans did deliver the jeans, and therefore transferred the risk to SurfLife, at the point of delivery to the carrier, Feilong Transportation Company (Feilong). This means Punked Jeans has not breached Article 35 and 36 because the damage was caused after the goods had been delivered. Therefore Punked Jeans has no obligations to provide remedies for the mouldy and stained jeans and it would be up to SurfLife to make a claim against the carrier. Issue 3 – Incorrect Number of Jeans: The final issue between Punked Jeans and SurfLife is the incorrect number of jeans delivered. Punked jeans delivered only 14,000 pairs of jeans total, including 2,000 XXL size, which is double the amount that was ordered. Prima facie and incorrect number of jeans breaches CISG article 35, to provide conforming goods. As the goods were nonconforming when they were delivered to the carrier it would appear that Punked Jeans would be in breach. Feilong did provide a clean BillShow MoreRelatedCommercial Law And International Trade Law Essay850 Words   |  4 PagesI have chosen a career in commercial law due to several reasons.Firstly,I thoroughly enjoyed Law of Contract in first year and am thoroughly enjoying Land Law and International Trade Law in second year.I can see myself working in these and similar areas of law for the rest of my life. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

We The People - 882 Words

We The People, such a simple quote, but very influential in terms of how our country was intended to be governed. This quote is the bedrock in which the United States was founded. Seems today this quote is just another feel good story of how things were run in the early days of this great country. Since the late 19th century our country, lead by the progressive movement, has been slowly chipping away at the groundwork of what makes America so special compared to most if not all other countries in the world; that is â€Å"we the people† govern this great country, not the government controlling every aspect of our lives (Pilon). As this change has taken place, the federal government has grown well beyond what the founders originally envisioned to happen. This growth has had many negative outcomes in our country. One issue we see today is the out of control spending and never ending debt we are beholding. The Constitution, which was originally the framework of how the government operates, gets dismissed on a regular basis to advance the development and invasion of the federal government in the everyday life of Americans. As the federal government grows in size, the states have slowly given up their responsibilities that were granted to them under the Constitution. The one true way to change the path our country is driving toward is to return to the basic fundamentals of what makes this country special; where the people get involved in the process of governing our country.Show MoreRelatedWe Are A â€Å"Government Of The People, By The People, [And]1573 Words   |  7 PagesWe are a â€Å"government of the people, by the people, [and] for the people,† or so we have been led to believe (Lincoln 1863). In the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln uttered one of the most prolific and profound statements about the United State’s system of government as designed by the Constitution. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Rose, the Universal Symbol of Love Essay Example For Students

A Rose, the Universal Symbol of Love Essay In William Faulkners A Rose for Emily, Miss Emily Grierson is a lonely old woman, living a life void of all love and affection; although the rose only directly appears in the title, the rose surfaces throughout the story as a symbol. In contemporary times, the rose also symbolizes emotions like love and friendship. The rose symbolizes dreams of romances and lovers. These dreams belong to women, who like Emily Grierson, have yet to experience true love for themselves. Throughout the life of Emily Grierson, she remains locked up, never experiencing love from anyone but her father. She lives a life of loneliness, left only to dream of the love missing from her life. The rose from the title symbolizes this absent love. It symbolizes the roses and flowers that Emily never received, the lovers that overlooked her. The domineering attitude of Emilys father keeps her to himself, inside the house, and alone until his death. In his own way, Emilys father shows her how to love. Through a forced obligation to love only him, as he drives off young male callers, he teaches his daughter lessons of love. It is this dysfunctional love that resurfaces later, because it is the only way Emily knows how to love. When Homer Baron, a construction worker, comes into Emilys life he sheds hope into her life. He offers Emily a chance to feel love and to receive the affection she has previously only dreamed of. Together they take Sunday carriage rides, and for awhile, the towns people seem to think that Emily will finally wed. It appears to them that Emily has finally found her rose. Emily then sets out to fulfill the ultimate form of the rose dream, that of marriage. She purchases a mans toilet set in silver, with the letters H.B. on each piece and a complete outfit of mens clothing, including a nightshirt. However, Homer disappears when his work is through, leaving Emily once again without a rose. Within a couple of Adams 2 weeks Homer, is seen entering Emilys house late at night. Emily realizes that Homer has no plans to stay, so she demonstrates her love the only way she knows how, by killing him. In her own way, she forces Homer to love her and to stay with her. In doing so, Emilys rose wilts forever. Following Emilys death, the townspeople enter her bedroom to find a shocking sight. The room appears decked and furnished as for a bridal. A rose color drapes over the room, upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights. The wilted image of the rose permeates the room, symbolizing the tarnished love between Emily and Homer. Unfortunately, the love that Emily knew proves impermanent. The rose, and the love it symbolizes, die along with Homer. This love disappears forever as Homer enters the long sleep that outlasts love, that conquers even the grimace of love. Today, a rose can symbolize many emotions, from passionate love and  true friendship to sympathy and regret. As in A Rose for Emily, not all roses are the same. Only roses of true love last forever. The wilted roses of forced and obligated love, like Emilys, cannot stand the tests of time, and eventually die. In life today, roses of all types exists, and are not always what they first appear to be. Like Emily, contemporary women also dream of receiving flowers, usually roses. In doing so, they dream of the romances and loves from their past, as well as those yet to come. The meaning of the rose crosses generations, appearing in stories written yesterday, as well as fairy tales from centuries ago. The rose bridges language barriers and spans continents. The rose is the true universal symbol of love.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Medicine and Warden /medical Professionals free essay sample

Outcome 1 Be able to identify agreed ways to gain entry and to leave individuals homes 1 Access information about general requirements for entering and leaving individuals homes. With this being aimed at home clients this will include An Appointed time for visit agreed by client. Address of appointment. Time of appointment (always be on time to avoid any distress or concern). A form of identification. 2 identify special requirements and individual preferences for entering and leaving an individual’s home This include key boxes on door ways with code number provided for emergency use . Keys provided to support workers / housing warden /medical professionals but these as key holders should be the only person to use the keys as trusted key holders Outcome 3 is able to take appropriate action when unable to gain entry to an individual’s homes 4 explain why it is important to record and report on difficulties with access This could be because appointment forgot or illness. We will write a custom essay sample on Medicine and Warden /medical Professionals or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This could also be because of accident /incidents occurring, this makes some clients have door key lockers for appointed people like support workers and wardens. Recording any issues can Show patterns Medicinal this could be when change of medicine or between medical treatment (monthly injections etc) Financial eg when end of pay period awaiting next pay day or possible financial abuse. Environmental weather or even when area busy with people (school holidays or a time of holiday makers visiting in some areas). Outcome 4 is able to deal with emergencies encountered after gaining entry. 1 Describe emergencies that may be encountered when gaining entry to an individual’s homes There can be many emergencies involved including physical, medical, substance abuse or environmental. Environmental – this could be gas leak ,carbon monoxide , electrical ,water or fire . These should be dealt with by professions Call 999 and ask for fire +ambulance as any person in building will need medical help . Medical-These could be accidental falls or trips. Natural eg.. Bad back (slipped disc etc) . Or deliberate eg .. overdose . In any of these call 999 ask for ambulance and stay with client to reassure and if require assistance with first aid. Substance abuse –This involves drugs or /and alcohol. In this case these could lead to self-harm or harm to you . Company guidelines say leave but this is a position that should be assessed when in attendance as this could be a duty of care issue and need medical help . This must be recorded and risk assessments updated. Physical-this could be from client, other person in building or the building itself. This could be linked to environments or substance abuse and be an end result.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Research Paper on Childhood Apraxia of Speech Essay Example

Research Paper on Childhood Apraxia of Speech Essay Development of speech is basic description of a general development for a child. At normal development children have good capabilities for mastering a language. There is close connection between speech development and cerebrum. Speech is a higher psychical function, for this reason, proper speech development depends on cerebration. The mature cortex, properly formed speech apparatus and good hearing are important factors for the normal development of speech. To all enumerated it is needed to add speech environment that similarly will provide the valuable influence on forming speech skills in the child. Using of research papers on childhood apraxia of speech may give you a deeper understanding of the phenomenon, including the main cause for its apparition. They also can be considered good guide showing you the most usable way to collect, process, and present the results of your investigation. However, you have to careful in choosing the source of these proposals as there a lot of poor-quality imitations. Childhood apraxia of speech is a frequent phenomenon and reasons defiant such a disorder are very various. It is never limited to the defects in the pronunciation: a child similarly can badly distinguish sounds, to have a little active and passive dictionary, have difficulties lining up phrases and sentences. As reasons for speech apraxia we can mention: We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Childhood Apraxia of Speech specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Childhood Apraxia of Speech specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Childhood Apraxia of Speech specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer accidents during pregnancy and partus; speech apparatus dysfunctions and disorders; sound-sensing apparatus dysfunctions and disorders; arrested psychical development; unfavourable influences of heredity and social factors, i.e. insufficient speech communication and education of child. The process of speech mastering goes with considerable difficulties for those children that fall behind in physical development, those who suffered diseases in early age, weak, and those, whoever does not get proper nutrition. In most cases, hearing defects become a reason for the delay of speech development. That is to say, bad hearing can result in arrested speech development. If a young child is not able to hear the sound, he will not react to them and he will not be able to imitate them. A senior child uses plenty of gestures and attentively watches motions of lips of talking man. But these signs are not sufficient, for the correct estimation the child hearing because we cannot do exact, literate conclusions only on the basis of behavioural elements that carry a subjective character. Childhood apraxia of speech should be fixed in child’s age because it is exactly in preschool period when child speech develops especially intensively and not corrected speech defects, in the future will cause certain difficulties in communication. Besides difficulties in communication these effects will necessarily result in psychological disorders in the kid, harming the process of his educating not allowing to expose all child’s capabilities and possibilities. At writing service you can order a custom research paper on Childhood Apraxia of Speech topics. Your research paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph.D. and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research paper assistance at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all research paper details: Enjoy our professional research paper writing service!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Tartuffe Essay

Tartuffe is a comedy by Moliere. It is about mainly a character named Orgon. Orgon is Moliere’s of how a man can be so blind in his devotion to a belief that he cannot make accurate judgment as to the sincerity of others who would use that belief to deceive him. This play fits into the concept of comedy because all of the elements of comedy are present. It happens that the title character is the villain rather than the hero and some of the elements are skewed. In Tartuffe, we have the classic comic scenario of two lovers, Valere and Marianne, trying to get together but being thwarted. However, instead of the villain, Tartuffe thwarting them, it is Orgon who gets in the way. Orgon tries to flatter Tartuffe by offering Marianne to be his wife. The other comic elements such as the unmasking of the villain and the happy ending are also present in Tartuffe. Tartuffe plays the role of a man whose greedy actions are cloaked by a mask of overwhelming piety, modesty and religious fervo r. Orgon is the head of a household who has taken Tartuffe in. so present in Tartuffe. All of Orgon's relatives warn him of Tartuffe's gluttony and of the false nature of his pious proclamations. When Dorine tries to tell Orgon about Elmire's illness, all Orgon can say is, "Ah. And Tartuffe?" When she tells him of Tartuffe’s unconcern and zealous consumption in spite of Elmire's condition, he says, "Poor fellow!" Poor Orgon is so caught up in his own idealistic belief in Tartuffe's saintliness that the reality of Tartuffe's actions goes right over his head. When Damis tells Orgon that he has overheard Tartuffe's advances towards Elmire, Orgon is so outraged that he disinherits Damis and banishes him from the house. In his obsession, Orgon is mentally deaf and blind. Only when he hides under the table and hears Tartuffe's advances toward Elmire, does reality finally confront Orgon's idealism and Tartuffe is unmasked. This play shows many of the characteristics o... Free Essays on Tartuffe Essay Free Essays on Tartuffe Essay Tartuffe is a comedy by Moliere. It is about mainly a character named Orgon. Orgon is Moliere’s of how a man can be so blind in his devotion to a belief that he cannot make accurate judgment as to the sincerity of others who would use that belief to deceive him. This play fits into the concept of comedy because all of the elements of comedy are present. It happens that the title character is the villain rather than the hero and some of the elements are skewed. In Tartuffe, we have the classic comic scenario of two lovers, Valere and Marianne, trying to get together but being thwarted. However, instead of the villain, Tartuffe thwarting them, it is Orgon who gets in the way. Orgon tries to flatter Tartuffe by offering Marianne to be his wife. The other comic elements such as the unmasking of the villain and the happy ending are also present in Tartuffe. Tartuffe plays the role of a man whose greedy actions are cloaked by a mask of overwhelming piety, modesty and religious fervo r. Orgon is the head of a household who has taken Tartuffe in. so present in Tartuffe. All of Orgon's relatives warn him of Tartuffe's gluttony and of the false nature of his pious proclamations. When Dorine tries to tell Orgon about Elmire's illness, all Orgon can say is, "Ah. And Tartuffe?" When she tells him of Tartuffe’s unconcern and zealous consumption in spite of Elmire's condition, he says, "Poor fellow!" Poor Orgon is so caught up in his own idealistic belief in Tartuffe's saintliness that the reality of Tartuffe's actions goes right over his head. When Damis tells Orgon that he has overheard Tartuffe's advances towards Elmire, Orgon is so outraged that he disinherits Damis and banishes him from the house. In his obsession, Orgon is mentally deaf and blind. Only when he hides under the table and hears Tartuffe's advances toward Elmire, does reality finally confront Orgon's idealism and Tartuffe is unmasked. This play shows many of the characteristics o...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Contemporary Issues in HR management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Contemporary Issues in HR management - Essay Example Contemporary Issues in HR management The most ostensible goal for all human resource managers is to record an improving productivity in the organisation. The performance of the organisation should be inclining against time. This concludes that managers should ensure all the employees are giving the best to the organisation. Managing and organising employees could be a hard task especially when the manager is dealing with large numbers. Apparently, productivity in most organisations is measured by the revenue that is collected via the businesses of the organisation. Therefore, managers have to ensure the revenue of the organisation is on an improving scale. However, there are several setbacks that make this a contemporary issue. First, some employees have low morale at the work place. Employees with low morale have a negative impact on the productivity of an organisation. Such employees have a tendency of not utilising their time in the organisation. These employees are a discouragement to other employees as they have ha phazard performance criteria. Since they do not give full dedication to their job, they end up giving dismal results. This affects the whole institution as the overall performance is brought down. Secondly, productivity is affected when the employees are not contented with the working shifts they are given. For instance, some employees have a tendency of refusing to work in some shifts. Though some employees are contented with working in certain shifts, they have a tendency of doing shoddy work.... The performance of the organisation should be inclining against time. This concludes that managers should ensure all the employees are giving the best to the organisation. Managing and organising employees could be a hard task especially when the manager is dealing with large numbers. Apparently, productivity in most organisations is measured by the revenue that is collected via the businesses of the organisation. Therefore, managers have to ensure the revenue of the organisation is on an improving scale (Kearns, 2006:13). However, there are several setbacks that make this a contemporary issue. First, some employees have low morale at the work place. Employees with low morale have a negative impact on the productivity of an organisation. Such employees have a tendency of not utilising their time in the organisation. These employees are a discouragement to other employees as they have haphazard performance criteria. Since they do not give full dedication to their job, they end up givi ng dismal results. This affects the whole institution as the overall performance is brought down. Secondly, productivity is affected when the employees are not contented with the working shifts they are given. For instance, some employees have a tendency of refusing to work in some shifts. Though some employees are contented with working in certain shifts, they have a tendency of doing shoddy work. This is a problem that has been affecting the human resource management as they have little to do on such situations. When employees are not contented with a certain shift in the organisation, they are likely to do a shoddy job. This will affect the productivity of the organisation to greater